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Feng Dechong and Xie Zhenwen, full-time vice chairman of Shenzhen Federation of Industry and Commerce, visited Shenzhen Youbao New Technology Co., Ltd.

Time:2020-04-07 15:25:00 Browse:50 Editor:Youbao New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

  On April 1, 2020, Feng Dechong and Xie Zhenwen, full-time vice-chairmen of Shenzhen Federation of Industry and Commerce of New Materials, visited Shenzhen Ubao New Technology Co., Ltd. to conduct field investigations on the operating status of private enterprises. Yue Fengshu, chairman of Ubao New Materials, and other companies Leaders participated in the meeting.

  Chairman Feng and Chairman Xie first congratulated Chairman Yue Fengshu on being elected as a standing member (executive director) of the 8th Executive Committee (Council) of Shenzhen Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce), and then held a certificate issuing ceremony. In the subsequent talks, Chairman Feng understood the company’s industry, main business and main products, and expressed his appreciation for the craftsmanship and technological innovation capabilities of Ubao New Materials. The research team listened carefully to the report of Chairman Yue Fengshu. Ask about the situation of the company's epidemic prevention and resumption of work after the year, the current status of production and operation, and how to prevent and resolve financial risks, and conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on promoting the implementation of policies to support companies. Chairman Feng emphasized that Guangdong is the largest province in the private economy, Shenzhen is the frontier of reform and opening up, and the development of Shenzhen's private economy has typical and exemplary significance for the country and the province. With regard to corporate financing and risk prevention, Chairman Feng also made valuable suggestions, hoping that companies can enjoy more dividends brought by government support policies, and fundamentally solve the problems of corporate financing difficulties and high financing.