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Director Liu Yunhong of Guangming District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau visited Ubao for investigation and inspection work

Time:2019-05-08 15:40:00 Browse:17 Editor:Youbao New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

  On May 8, 2019, the leader of Guangming District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau Liu Yunhong came to visit our company headquarters. Mr. Yue Fengshu, the company’s chairman, welcomed the arrival of the Guangming District Director and the research team, and accompanied him to the office area and production workshop. , The laboratory inspects various tasks to learn more about our company's personnel management, safety production, product quality and work flow.


  After visiting the laboratory, a symposium was held in the conference room of our company. Director Liu Yunhong and other leaders learned about and consulted about our products. Manager Li of the R&D department of our company will explain the important work of the company’s research and development. Mr. Yue gave an in-depth introduction to the company's development history, management system, recent development status and future development direction. Director Liu Yunhong affirmed our company's development prospects. In addition, the leader of Director Liu Yunhong stated that the new material industry is the key industry supported and supported by the district. He hopes that Ubao will vigorously develop independent innovation and focus on the creation, protection and application of independent knowledge and property rights, which will enable the company to be further improved in the future development. Promote regional economic development and make greater contributions to the cause of new materials.


  At the meeting, I would like to thank Director Liu Yunhong and his research team for watching and visiting our company's new material products with independent intellectual property rights and detailed company development reports. Director Liu Yunhong and other leaders spoke highly of and fully affirmed our company's achievements. The R&D team hopes that EUBO will further strengthen its R&D efforts in the new material industry to achieve mutual benefit and common development.


  Group photo of Chairman of Ubao and Director Liu Yunhong

  Chairman Yue Fengshu expressed his gratitude to the superior leaders for their inspection, which is their care and love for our company. Youbao New Materials Co., Ltd. will continue to work hard, adhere to the new path of specialization, excellence, and strength, and contribute to the economic development of Shenzhen. Thanks again to the leaders of the research team for coming.