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Researcher Guo Yuguo from the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences visited our company

Time:2019-05-08 18:00:00 Browse:42 Editor:Youbao New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

  On May 7, 2019, the winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund and the researcher Guo Yuguo of the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was invited to Shenzhen Youbao New Material Technology Co., Ltd. to visit and exchange. Visited the laboratory of Ubao Company. The chairman of the company, Mr. Yue Fengshu, introduced the company's R&D strategy and production in detail.


  Group photo of researcher Guo Yuguo and company personnel (second from left)

  Our company's general manager Yue, R&D engineer, engineering and technical personnel and many other technical leaders researcher Guo Yuguo had in-depth exchanges and benefited a lot.


  Researcher Guo Yuguo visited the company laboratory

  Guo Yuguo, currently a researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, "Outstanding Youth", the first batch of top-notch young talents in the "Ten Thousand Talents Program" of the Central Organization Department, project leader, director of the Solid Ion Branch of the Chinese Ceramic Society. In 2001, he studied under the academician Bai Chunli of the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the researcher Wan Lijun. In 2004, he received a doctorate degree in physical chemistry. From 2004 to 2006, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Professor Joachim Maier of Max Planck Institute of Solid State Research in Germany. From 2006 to 2007, he joined the German Max Planck Institute of Nano Energy Chemistry as a project researcher, engaged in the research of nano energy materials and nano solid ionology. In December 2006, he was selected into the "Introduction of Outstanding Young Talents Program" by the Institute of Chemistry, and joined the Key Laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


  Researcher Guo Yuguo communicates with company R&D personnel